Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Situation

Self-sufficiency is under attack! Big-business and Governments (the 'Thing' as John Seymour, and William Cobbett before him, called it) are trying to take over control of self-sufficiency. The Thing has been trying to stop people doing self-sufficiency since John Seymour promoted it. They have seen it as a threat to the status quo of the rich and their industries and enterprises - now they are trying to manipulate people to think that they have been on the side of self-sufficiency, even to the point of saying they are for it and trying to promote it. Do not be misled.

Now Permaculture has been trying to associate itself with self-sufficiency. Bill Mollison, one of the founders of permaculture, didn't even like self-sufficiency! Permaculture works with and is funded by governments - the same governments who have been trying to stop people doing self-sufficiency. For instance, the Australian government is in business partnership with Monsanto while funding permaculture enterprises. Permaculture is definitely not self-sufficiency and we will not take people in the guild who practice permaculture. We have found personally, that permaculturists' ethics are questionable – our experience has been that they do not care for the Earth or care for people.

With the current world economic situation more people are seeking to escape the rat race and provide more for themselves; to become more self-sufficient and self-reliant. The marketers from the big multi's and the worlds governments know this - self-sufficiency has become another market. There is nothing wrong with making an honest income but we should be aware of peoples motives when teaching and promoting self-sufficiency. In the past self-sufficiency has not been a particularly lucrative profession since it has been more focussed on saving money than making it and on the rewards of the heart that come from living closer to nature rather than living in the city. Those who have lived in this way have endured the many hardships that doing self-sufficiency entails and those are the people you want to learn from, not someone who has just completed a two week PDC and had their rich parents buy them land.

The truth of it is that there are some very greedy and power hungry people out there who think nothing of ripping people off and ruining the planet for their own gain. These people are evil incarnate and must be stopped. You can help stop them: by the way you choose to live, by the actions you take.
By the good you do.

Gavin Edwards,
Master of Self-Sufficiency.
Good Heart Farm,
Lapoinya, Tasmania.

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